Comparison between Light & Sound | Similarity and Difference between Light and Sound.

Similarity and Difference between Light and Sound.

Light and Sound Waves

(Light and Sound Waves)

Similarity :-

 (1)👉  Both light and sound are forms of energy.

(2)👉 They both have wave nature.

(3)👉 Both light and sound have properties of wavelength, frequency and amplitude.

(4)👉 The reflection laws of light and sound are same. i.e.–
          (I) The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.
         (II) The reflected sound ( reflected ray for light), the incident sound (incident ray for light) and the normal belong in the same plane.

Reflection laws of Sound
(Here i= Angle of incident sound wave and r= Angle of reflection)

(Reflection of Sound)

Reflection laws of light
(Here 𝞱i = Angle of incident ray and 𝞱r =Angle of reflection)

(Reflection of Light)

Difference :-

(1)👉 The most common difference between light and sound is that we can see light and we can hear sound.

(2)👉 Both are energy but sound is a mechanical energy and light is a electromagnetic energy.

(3)👉 Sound has only wave property but light has both wave & particle nature.

(4)👉 Light is a transverse wave while sound is a longitudinal wave.

(5)👉 Light doesn't require a medium and it also travels in a vacuum. But sound needs a medium to travel.

(6)👉 Light is faster than sound, where the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s (≈ 300,000,000 m/s = 3×10⁸ m/s), which is the highest light speed in space or vacuum and the speed of sound is about 343 m/s (in dry air at +20°C). But in diamond the speed of sound is about 12,000 m/s. The speed of sound depends on the density of medium & temperature.

(7)👉 Light becomes slow down in denser media (which happens due to quantum jump). But the sound gets faster in denser media. (effective vibration tension rising faster than effective mass density).

(8)👉 Sound can pass through any solid substance. But light can't pass through solid matter but it can pass through glass.

(9)👉 In vacuum the speed of light is 3×10⁸ m/s but the speed of sound in vacuum is zero, as sound can't travel in vacuum. Because sound spreads through the vibration of particles in a medium, like water, air or in any solid.


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