Interesting Facts about Black Turmeric.

 Interesting Facts about Black Turmeric

Interesting Facts about Black Turmeric.
(Black Turmeric and Common Turmeric)

Kingdom :-                Plantae

Order :-                      Zingiberales

Family :-                     Zingiberaceae

Genus :-                      Curcuma

Species :-                    caesia

Scientific name :-      Curcuma caesia

Common name :-      Black Turmeric or Kali Haldi

Appearance :-            Blueish-black

Back turmeric is also known as Kali Haldi or Black Zedoary and is scientifically known as Curcuma caesia. Black turmeric is native to northeast India and some other states of India.

        We all know about common turmeric which is bright yellow in colour and is used in kitchens in many countries. Because of its health benefits, many people make juice from raw turmeric and drink it daily. But many people don't know about black turmeric, because these are very rare and mostly seen in India.

Comparison between Common Turmeric and Black Turmeric :-

        Black turmeric and common turmeric plants are similar, and their cultivation and harvesting processes are also similar, but black turmeric leaves look slightly different, because black turmeric contains black colour line on its leaves, by which we can easily identify these plants. If we cut a rhizome of black turmeric, we find that its inner part is blueish-black. Hence, this is the reason that why it is called as black turmeric. The black turmeric flower is slightly purple and white or slightly red and white, while the color of the common turmeric flower is yellowish-white and some are completely white. And the price of black turmeric is much higher than the common turmeric because of its rarity and use in medical offer.

Appearance of black turmeric and common turmeric leaves.
(Appearance of black turmeric and common turmeric leaves.)

Use of Black Turmeric :-

        It is used maximum in ayurvedic and other medical treatments, and it is also used in perfumes because of its beautiful fragrance. Many scientists are also doing research on it internationally to know more about it. Some Indians also believe that it has magical power, so it is used in tantrism.


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