Interesting facts about trees and plants | Carnivorous plant | About Touch me not plant | Tallest tree | Biggest tree | Tallest grass | Most toxic tree.

Interesting facts about trees and plants.

Venus Flytrap :-
                   The Venus flytrap is a rare type of plant that can eat small flying insects and arachnids. So we can call this plant as carnivorous. Its scientific name is Dionaea muscipula. These plants are mainly found in North Carolina and South Carolina of United States.

Carnivorous plant
(Venus Flytrap plant)

                  The leaves of the Venus flytrap plant are always open but when an insect gets inside it, its tiny hairs ( also called as "trigger hairs" or "sensitive hairs" ) close and after some time the insect dies and the plant gets energy and nutrients from the dead pests.
                     Like Venus Flytrap, Pitcher plant ( Nepenthes ) and English Sundew plant ( Drosera anglica ) are also carnivorous.

Carnivorous plant
(Pitcher plant)
Carnivorous plant
(English Sundew plant)

Pine Tree :-

                      The scientific name of pine tree is Pinus ( Genus ). There are about 111 species of pine trees such as Pinus densata, Pinus nigra, Pinus mugo, Pinus taiwanensis, Pinus resinosa etc. The pine trees are mainly found in the northern hemisphere of the world such as Russia, North America, South-East Asia, China and Europe.

Pine tree

(Pine tree)

                        The pine tree is a type of tree that gives the most oxygen to the atmosphere. In the list of most oxygen release trees, pine tree tops the list and this is possible due to their low leaf area index.

Redwood Tree :-

                         The scientific name of redwood tree is Sequoia sempervirens. These trees are mainly seen in California. Redwoods are said to be the tallest tree in the world, as these trees can easily grow up to 300 ft (91 m).

Redwood tree

(Redwood tree)

                         A redwood tree named Hyperion was discovered in 2006, setting a world record as the tallest tree in the world. Hyperion has a height of 115.8 m (380 ft) and is still alive.

Tallest tree in the world

(The Redwood tree Hyperion)

Touch-Me-Not plant :-

                     Touch-me-not is a plant which is also called as "Shame plant", "Action plant", "Sensitive plant", "Sleepy plant", "Zombie plant", "Shy lady" and "Shy plant" also. The scientific name of touch-me-not is Mimosa pudica.

Touch-me-not plant

Touch-me-not plant

(Touch-me-not plant)

                      The plant touch-me-not is seen in South Asia, East Asia, South Africa and also in Southern United States. It is a rare type of plant in the plant kingdom. When we touch or shake this plant or its leaves, the leaves fold inward & drop and re-open automatically after 3 or 5 minutes.

Bamboo :-

                     The word "bamboo" comes from the Dutch and Portuguese languages. Bamboo belongs to the plant kingdom but it goes under the family of grass not tree. There are about 115 families and 1300 species of bamboo worldwide. Bamboos are generally found in South America, Southeast Asia, and the Southeast part of the United States.


                      Bamboos are the biggest & tallest grass and also fastest growing species of plant kingdom in the world. Giant Bamboo is the largest & tallest bamboo in the world. They are seen in Southeast Asia. The scientific name of Giant Bamboo is Dendrocalamus giganteus.

(Giant Bamboo)

Giant Bamboo

Giant Sequoia :- .

                       The Giant Sequoia is also known as "Wellingtonia", "Giant Redwood" and "Sierran Redwood". Its scientific name is Sequoiadendron giganteum. These trees are found in Western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California.

Giant Sequoia
(Giant Sequoia)

                 Giant Sequoia trees are famous for their largeness. The largest tree in the world is also a Giant Sequoia, in Sequoia National Park, California. Its name is General Sherman. This tree is about 1,487 cubic meters in volume.

Baobab :-

      The tree baobabs are seen in Madagascar, Africa and Australia but baobabs in Madagascar are very well known because of their unique style.

Baobab tree

(Baobab tree)

                     There are six species of baobabs in Madagascar but the species grandidieri is very famous. These trees are also called as Grandidier's baobab. Its scientific name is Adansonia grandidieri. These trees are famous for their largeness and unique view. These trees can grow upto 31 meters tall and 10.5 meters wide. You can't believe that due to their largeness, these trees can store nearly 32,000 gallons of water in their trunks.

Manchineel Tree :-

                       The manchineel tree is also known as "Beach Apple tree" and in Spanish language "Manzanilla de la muerte" (It means "little apple of death"). Its scientific name is Hippomane mancinella.

Manchineel tree

Manchineel tree
(Manchineel tree )

                   These trees are seen from North America to South America. The tree manchineel is known for its toxicness. It is the most dangerous and poisonous tree in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records


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