Umbonia spinosa Facts | A Beautiful Insect Bug Espino.

Beautiful insect Umbonia spinosa


(Pics of Bug Espino)

                 Umbonia spinosa is a scientific name of bug Espino. It is a beautiful & attractive insect. It is some time called as a Thorn bug, because its horn resembles a thorn. It is famous for its appearance of dorsal horn. Dorsal side colour of bug espino is yellow, blue or light green, with each side of red, black or yellow vittae. 

                 They have 6 legs like other insects. They are herbivorous and eat the plants on which they live. These are seen in Central and South America, Mexico, Florida and Asia.

Kingdom :-       Animalia

Phylum :-         thropoda

Class :-              Insecta

Family :-           Membracidae

Genus :-            Umbonia

Species / Scientific name :- Umbonia spinosa

Diet :-                Herbivore


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