About the Universe of 10 Dimensions of String Theory.


About the Universe of 10 Dimensions of String Theory.

Galaxy and planets

Normally, we read about many higher dimensions in mathematics, but do you know how many dimensions exist in the universe? In physics, many theories explain their various number of dimensions. According to M-Theory, Bosonic String Theory and current String Theory (or Superstring Theory), there are 11, 26 and 10 dimensions respectively. Like this, in Hinduism, it is mentioned that there are 64 dimensions in the universe.

Some Information about the Dimension :-

        Although we know that the fourth dimension is time according to the General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics, but still we don't know many things about it, because we are made up of 3-D, and we also live in a 3-dimensional world. According to scientists, we can go to every dimension and feel them, if we can convert our body into one dimension and make our body so small, which will be many times smaller than electrons, protons or neutrons. Because a string is only one dimensional thing, which can vibrate in every dimension.

        We should also know that all lower dimensions are available in one higher dimension. And the nature of every dimension changes when it changes from lower to higher dimension.

        Now, we will know something about string theory. It is a part of quantum physics and is a theory of "quantum gravity". String theory is a mathematical model and the main thing is, it is only a theory or we can say that it is an imagination and it is not practically proven. Here the name "string" comes from "particle physics", which means "one dimensional object".

Here we will discuss about different dimensions according to superstring theory.

Zeroth dimension :- Before knowing the universe of 10 dimensions of string theory, you should know about the zeroth dimension, because it is responsible for the formation of other dimensions. Hence, the zeroth dimension is a point, which has no length, width, and height. Imagine, if you live in a zeroth dimension, then you become stable and can't move anywhere.

        Now, let us know about the universe of 10 dimensions. Before you know this, you should know that, this is a imagination of string theory and it is not practically proven.

First Dimension(1–D) :-

Picture of 1-D or one dimensional line
(1–D line)

        The first dimension is nothing, it is only a length or in graphically, it is only an x-axis. The best example of 1-D is a straight line. If an organism lives in 1-D, then it can only move from right to left or from left to right, but it can't move towards up, down, forward or backward.

Second Dimension(2–D) :-

Two dimensional graph
(2–D graph)

About the Universe of 10 Dimensions of String Theory.
(2–D plane)

        The second dimension has both length and width. It represents both the x-axis and the y-axis. The best example of 2-D is a plane. We can only measure area, length and width here. If an organism lives in 2-D, it can move towards left, right, forward and backward, but not up or down. Think, if we live in 2-D, then our body will be flat and we will not have any height.

Third Dimension(3–D) :-

3-D Graph or three dimensional graph
(3–D graph)

About the Universe of 10 Dimensions of String Theory.
(3–D cube)

        The third dimension or 3-D consists of length, width and height. It represents the x, y and z-axis. Examples of 3-D are the cube, human, cat, tree, table, earth, planet, sun, etc., all things that are around us. We are all made of 3-D, so we have length, width and height, and we can move left, right, forward, backward, up and down. Here we can measure the volume.

Fourth Dimension(4–D) :-

About the Universe of 10 Dimensions of String Theory.
(4-D structure)

        Scientists say that the fourth dimension is time, which controls the properties of all matters at any given point. The general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics also show that the 4 dimension is time. We don't yet know everything about the fourth dimension, therefore, many scientists say that, when we know everything about it, we can travel in time, or, we can go from present to past or future, but still some paradoxes arise here, which can prevent going into the past. So, some scientists believe that if time travel is possible, we can only go in the future. But many scientists also say, time travel is never possible but in the near future it may be possible to see our future by machine.

Forward direction of time.
(One directional motion of time)

        This 4-D is also called the time dimension. Because of this dimension, we are going in the froward direction of time, i.e. from past to present and present to future.

Fifth Dimension(5–D) :-

        From the fifth dimension, we get the idea of ​​parallel universes. In this dimension we can see a different character of our own, which may be slightly different from us, or, in simple words, we can fulfill our different desires or choose different careers at a time. It means that if someone will be a singer in a world, then he / she will also be a player in another world at the same time.

About the Universe of 10 Dimensions of String Theory.
(Parallel world)

"K" is a person who lives in both world-1 and world-2 at the same time with different abilities.

Sixth Dimension(6–D) :-

        In this dimension we can see possible multiverse. Here we can compare all possible universes with each other that start with the same initial condition. Here we can choose many different careers, in our own separate world, and we can meet ourselves directly.

Seventh Dimension(7–D) :-

        Each initial position or initial point of the multiverse in the seventh dimension starts at different times. This dimension can be considered as the zero dimension, in which all the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions are present and there will be infinitely many universes. Here we can learn about the possible universes that start from different initial positions.

Eighth Dimension(8–D) :-

        The eighth dimension gives a plane to the possible universe of the seventh dimension. Simply we can say, the eighth dimension is a way of connecting two different seventh dimensional universes, where the law of physics is also different.

Ninth Dimension(9–D) :-

        Here we can travel to every possible universe and we can able know about the history of every possible universe, where all are starting from different possible initial condition and whose laws of physics are different.

Tenth Dimension(10–D) :-

        In the tenth dimension, we can become familiar with each and every possible law of the universe. We can do everything and travel everywhere within a few seconds. Everything is possible like God here.

Here again we confirm to you that this is just a theory and not practically proven, so never expect that it is really true until it is proven practically. After the fourth dimension, this theory confuses everyone and makes sense like unrealistic, hence this theory has been criticised by many.


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