Interesting Facts About Bird Northern Cardinal.

Interesting Facts About Bird Northern Cardinal.

Interesting Facts About Bird Northern Cardinal.
(Male and female Northern Cardinal)

Common name:-    Northern Cardinal/ Red Cardinal/ Red Bird (English)
                                  Cardenal Rojo (Mexico/Spanish)
                                  Cardenal norteno (Spanish)
                                  Rot kardinal (German)
                                  Cardinal rouge (French)

Kingdom :-              Animalia

Phylum :-                 Chordata

Class :-                      Aves

Order :-                    Passeriformes

Family :-                  Cardinalidae

Genus :-                   Cardinalis

Species :-                 cardinalis

Scientific name :-  Cardinalis cardinalis

Appearance :-         Red (male)
                                  Brownish-red (female)

Diet :-                       Granivore

The northern cardinal, red cardinal or red bird is one of the most beautiful wild bird in the world. Its name was only Cardinal before 1985. It is scientifically known as Cardinalis cardinalis and it has 19 sub-species like C. c. cardinalis, C. c. coccineus, C. c. floridanus, C. c. affinis, C. c. canicaudus, C. c. carneus, C. c. igneus, C. c. littoralis, C. c. mariae, C. c. saturatus, C. c. sinaloensis, C. c. superbus, C. c. yucatanicus, C. c. townsendi, C. c. seftoni, C. c. phillipsi, C. c. magnirostris, C. c. flammiger and C. c. clintoni. Northern cardinals are found in North American countries such as Canada, United States, Mexico, Belize and Guatemala.

Appearance :-

        The northern cardinal is a singing bird and is a medium-sized bird with a body length of 21cm to 23.5cm. The weight of this bird is about 33.6gm to 65gm (in adult). And the male cardinal is slightly larger than the female. Here the male birds are red in colour and their face is black with a red bill, while the females are brownish-red and their face is also black with a red-orange bill. Both male and female have a crown on their head and it looks sometimes but not always.

Diet :-

        The northern cardinal is a grainvorous (an animal that eats seeds as a staple of its diet) bird, but still occasionally eats insects such as grasshoppers, cicadas and snails. 90% of northern cardinal's foods are seeds, grains and fruits such as safflower seeds, oats, sunflower seeds etc.

Some Other Information About Northern cardinal :-

        Northern cardinal birds are very rare and can be seen in southeastern Canada, the eastern United States, eastern and southeastern Mexico, Belize and Guatemala.

        The northern cardinal is a singing bird and the maximum time a male cardinal sings but it is also observed that both male and female sing at the time of mating. During courtship, the male collects food and feeds to the female beak-to-beak to attract her and then mates with her. A female northern cardinal lays three to four eggs in the nest each year. The size of each egg is about 26mm × 19mm. And every year two to four baby northern cardinals are raised. The northern cardinal has a very short lifespan and its average life period is about one year.

USA and Northern cardinal :-

        The northern cardinal is the state bird of 7 U.S. states, which is more than any other bird species. It is a state bird of Illinois, West Virginia, Ohio, Virginia, Indiana, North Carolina, and Kentucky of USA. And in these states the northern cardinal is called as "Cardinal".

        This bird is the mascot of many American school and college athletics. It is also mascot of the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League and the St. Louis Cardinals of Major League Baseball's National league. And it is also the logo of CD Projekt, which is a Polish video game developer company.


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