What are the seven colors of light ?

 What are the seven colors of light ?

Generally, we know that the light is a thing that helps us to see but according to physics, light has both wave and particle nature (wave-particle duality), so it is an electromagnetic radiation within the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which can be seen by human eye.

What are the seven colors of light ?
(Dispersion through Prism) 

        The white visible light is a mixture of seven different colors, which was first discovered by Sir Isaac Newton. He discovered this in 1666, when he passed a beam of white light through a prism and identified these seven colours, which are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (shortly VIBGYOR). This method is called as dispersion, because when white light is divided into its constituent colors, it is called dispersion.

Why are white light and black (or dark) not the colors of light ? :-

         White light is a mixture of seven different colors and all these colors have different wavelengths, frequency and energy. So, in physics, a colour is a visible light, which has a specific wavelength. Therefore, white light is not a color, because it has no specific wavelength and it contains all wavelengths of visible light. In this way, black or dark is also not a color according to physics, because there is no visible light in the dark (i.e. absence of visible light).


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